Hello! I am Pouria
I lead the Software Testing Research team at JetBrains Research. I am also a track lead and industry administrator of AI4SE, a research partnership between JetBrains and Delft University of Technology.
My career goal is to combine human and artificial intelligence to implement tools and techniques to ease software development and testing tasks in industrial software projects.
Application of AI algorithms to assist developers in their tasks. I am particularly interested in the techniques for easing software testing tasks (e.g., automated test generation).
Software testing methods and criteria for different testing levels. Methods and tools that can provide more information to users for testing their software.
Methods for validating the code generated by AI
Understanding the usability and usefulness of research prototypes implemented to aid developers
Software Testing Research Team
Intelligent Collaboration Tools Lab (ICTL)
The Computational Intelligence for Software Engineering Lab & Software Engineering Research Group
Ph.D. in Computer Science
MSc in Software Engineering